30 January, 2013

Happily Ever After

I gladly took the six minutes out of my work day to view this wonderful short.  I was reminded of when I first saw 101 Dalmatians for the first time.  There is hope and there is fate after all!  Walt Disney never strays too far from the all-too-true happy ending formula.

drink play f@#k

About two and a half years ago author, Andrew Gottlieb, said in an interview with The New Yorker that he wrote "drink play f@#k" because he "was mystified by the success of "eat pray love.""  Well, the success of the above mentioned best-seller also got me curious enough to take a peek; however, I did not feel the same compelling drive to crank out a (better) version of it.  I'm quite glad Gottlieb beat me to it, though!

I found this very much entertaining.  Quite like my review of this, the novel is a perfect length read.
 ...that didn't make me want to throw the book out the window of an airplane and fill the barf bag.