08 April, 2013

Speechless (...my mouth is full)

Okay, I admit.  I have been eating a lot more than I have been photographing.  I really can't help that.  In this sense, I happen to be the luckiest girl in town having a partner who not only enjoys cooking but, loves to feed me.  Wow.  I really don't think I could ask for much more.  Actually, I don't think I even should!  I don't.  Yet, I'm continually blessed with exciting international flavors and delighted even more that she ventured into dessert-making.

Tonight's surprise delivered Southern Indian Coconut Chicken Curry with Turmeric Lime-Infused Rice and Spinach.  It was slow cooked so the tenderized meat fell off the bone to the touch.  Yes, I photographed it...

I'm glad that my partner is only now getting into baking desserts.  I'm happy to taste test any of her health conscious modified recipes.  These granola bars beat my usual chocolate Clif bars any day with double the oats, almonds, walnuts, coconut oil, dark cocoa powder and chocolate chips, a bit of Burmese salt, raw organic sugar and honey.  Damn...

Happily, I don't have much else to say.

07 April, 2013

Befriending Kanaloa, Hawaiian God of the Ocean

Boy, did I get sun burnt yesterday!  I didn't plan on it, of course.  Coming from Hawai'i, it's not habitual for me to slap on sunscreen before stepping out into the sunshine.  It's been awhile since I've stayed outdoors participating in leisure activities since most of my weekends I'm running errands, keeping appointments and dining out, all of which consist running to and from indoor locations.

It was a gorgeous Saturday with ample cool breeze down at Spitting Cave.  The ocean sprays crashing upon the rocky shore certainly helped with keeping the temperature down.  Whale-watching was cool.  The water was choppy from the winds and it became a game of spot the whales.  Things got a bit exciting when we saw a sea turtle reunion, and even more exciting with flying fish followed immediately by a pod of dolphins.  The dolphins impressed me most with their beautiful synchronicity.

Armed with just a 50mm, I was 2 seconds behind from capturing this swift pod.

My cousins visiting from Alaska also taking their shots of the whales, dolphins and sea turtles.

I think what got me sun burnt most was the impromptu hike at Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail (beach path) where we scampered over boulders, scaled a rock wall and dodged ocean sprays.  Yikes!

All in all, it was an incredibly true adventure for yours truly...

01 April, 2013

Let's Talk About The Weather

Was Sunday really Easter?  Today actually felt more like Easter.  I know I went into work today, but it still felt like Easter to me.  Downtown was practically empty as if it were a normal weekend and traffic was - wait a minute, where was the traffic?

The weather is slowly warming up and I can't wait for summer to arrive.  The days will be longer and our leisurely breakfasts out on the balcony will stretch into the next mealtime.  Yesterday's brunch was just a preview of what's to come.

31 March, 2013

Who Me, Aspie?

My partner had sent me a link to an online quiz determining Asperger traits in a person and I scored 38 out of 200 with an NT score of 170 out of 200.  I am "very likely neurotypical."

I can see how I may have a bit of Asperger-like traits, but I've always thought them as little neuroses or idiosyncrasies that any typical artist would have.  Especially with my ability to notice certain details, and this would usually be inclined toward aesthetically pleasing views or feeling the need to make it aesthetically pleasing to the eye.  That talent definitely came in handy as an art director, an interior designer assistant and especially as a photographer!

I believe some of my weird habits may have been learned behavior as a child, for example, having a father who is a sous chef.  As an adult, I can now appreciate the work and creativity and satisfaction a well-cooked meal can give; however, as a child, it gave no comfort to me always having to be the last at the dinner table because I'm forced to clear my plate.  How could I learn to enjoy food I thought was foreign and complex at 6 years old?  Why couldn't I just have a cheese pizza or hot dog with mustard?

What may make more sense to my partner is understanding Asperger's Syndrome and how it applies to me in our relationship.  I admit I am not well-versed in long-term relationships, and I have friends who have witnessed this and can testify.  Perhaps these Asperger traits of mine appear to emerge when in an intimate relationship since that would be the immature area of my life.  I'm only now starting to grow, I think, and starting to learn how to be in a long-term relationship.  ...I like it.  I enjoy it.  I'm happy.

I'm just not too sure about carrying the full weight of having complete Asperger's Syndrome.  When I was diagnosed two years ago with ADHD, I was also diagnosed with mild Asperger traits.  At that time, it made sense to me.  I know I have an eccentric way of looking at things and that I am a very picky eater.  That's pretty mild in my book.

30 March, 2013

Angelo Merendino

This photographer is bigger than me.  Along with his wife, he was courageous to have documented their unforgettable journey.  Please view and share their story below.

27 March, 2013

Mimi's Ceviche!

The rain let up a bit and that gave more than a reason to celebrate and raise our glasses.  In our case, our glasses brimmed with ceviche while our ginger ales on the side sat on the rocks.

There are many different variations of on how to make ceviche that I decided to as my personal chef to describe this creation in her own words.  Here she is now... enjoy the read!

I'm more of an intuitive cook rather than a recipe cook.  I never follow a recipe exactly, but go by taste, smell, colors and textures as I compose a meal.  So this ceviche is made-up on the spot without measuring cups or spoons.  Sorry, I know this is probably frustrating for those who might want something more precise.

You can't really go wrong with ceviche (in my opinion) if you use the right kinds of fresh seafood and make sure it gets "cooked".  In this case, I mixed bay scallops, with chopped opah (moonfish) and squid, marinating it in lemon juice (I would have used limes but I didn't have any in the fridge).  The vegetable mixture consisted of parsley, cilantro, tri-color peppers finely diced, red onion, celery, salt, pepper, garlic, chilli pepper, olive oil and flax seed oil.  After "cooking" the seafood for a day, I drained most of the lemon juice, then added a touch of orange juice and the vegetable mixture.  The orange juice gave it a bit of sweetness while still maintaining the original flavor. 

26 March, 2013

Serve with Mashed or Boiled Potatoes

Here's the second trial dish from Roy Yamaguchi's recipe book, Goat Cheese & Spinach Crusted Opah with Red Wine Sauce a lá Chef Mimí.

There was a sudden downpour on this humid, overcast weekend that kept us in for the afternoon (and later, a satisfying nap!).  This was somewhat a light but, hearty meal that made perfect for a rainy day.  The demi-glace and roasted walnuts contributed to the heartiness for sure.  Although, the whitefish was thick and practically meaty, for me, it psychologically passed for a filet mignon.  According to my beloved personal chef, the opah unfortunately was not available so monchong, another white fish, was substituted.  The goat cheese, spinach and mascarpone also kicked up the French flavors a good notch.  A cozy time indeed...  The only thing missing from the picture was a roaring fireplace!

25 March, 2013

Cultivating a New Chef

My partner finally cracked open the fish and seafood recipe book  given to her last year of critically acclaimed Chef Roy Yamaguchi. Wow! So far, I am beside myself in given the taste testing role (well, reality does hit when it's time for me to do the dishes, but I'm not complaining here).

Two nights ago, the recipe for Lemongrass & Cilantro-crusted Ehu with Sweet Black Rice & Mango set my first impression in taste bud stone.  Delicious flavors blended together into slightly tart-sweet tropical taste of heaven.

I have to set one thing straight, though.  This is Roy's recipe.  However, my partner has a knack for substituting ingredients for what is readily available.  While the recipe called for a snapper, I wish I could remember what whitefish was used in this dish.  Also, I believe she added a bit more coconut in the black rice recipe for what I can imagine that we're on an island and just love that tropical taste!  All in all, two thumbs up and a smile for this dish.

*Roy's recipe can be found here.

08 February, 2013

Aloha Friday

It's a brand new day; the end of what seemed like an awfully long week. Today is Aloha Friday. Let's hope for good things.

30 January, 2013

Happily Ever After

I gladly took the six minutes out of my work day to view this wonderful short.  I was reminded of when I first saw 101 Dalmatians for the first time.  There is hope and there is fate after all!  Walt Disney never strays too far from the all-too-true happy ending formula.

drink play f@#k

About two and a half years ago author, Andrew Gottlieb, said in an interview with The New Yorker that he wrote "drink play f@#k" because he "was mystified by the success of "eat pray love.""  Well, the success of the above mentioned best-seller also got me curious enough to take a peek; however, I did not feel the same compelling drive to crank out a (better) version of it.  I'm quite glad Gottlieb beat me to it, though!

I found this very much entertaining.  Quite like my review of this, the novel is a perfect length read.
 ...that didn't make me want to throw the book out the window of an airplane and fill the barf bag.